MLP: Friends Forever #2 Discord & the CMCs
Jeremy Whitley (w) • Tony Fleecs (a & c)
The Cutie Mark Crusaders have done everything they can think of to get their cutie marks. But there's one creature of chaos who might have some ideas they would never think of... Discord! When our pint-sized heroines start working with the unpredictable trickster, the results are bound to get unusual! Will Ponyville be able to survive their friendship?
Covers & Pinups
Interior Pages
MLP Annual 2017: Guardians of Harmony
MLP: Annual 2013 Equestria Girls
MLP: Equestria Girls Holiday Special
MLP: FIENDship is Magic #2
MLP: FIENDship is Magic #4
MLP: Friends Forever #2
MLP: Friends Forever #23
MLP: Friends Forever #26
MLP: Friends Forever #31
MLP: Friends Forever #33
MLP: Friends Forever #36
MLP: Friends Forever #5
MLP: Friends Forever #7
MLP: Friends Forever #9
MLP: Friendship is Magic #32
MLP: Friendship is Magic #33
MLP: Friendship is Magic #43
MLP: Friendship is Magic #44
MLP: Friendship is Magic #45
MLP: Friendship is Magic #51
MLP: Friendship is Magic #52
MLP: Friendship is Magic #57
MLP: Friendship is Magic #87
MLP: Friendship is Magic #88
MLP: Legends of Magic #10
MLP: Legends of Magic #7
MLP: Legends of Magic #8
MLP: Legends of Magic #9
MLP: Micro Series #2
MLP: Micro Series #4
My Little Pony / Transformers
My Little Pony Pages
My Little Pony: The Elements of Harmony Vol. II
New Art
Star Wars
Star Wars Adventures #28
Star Wars Adventures #29
Stray Dogs
Friends Forever #2
Friends Forever #23